What's your favorite BSB video?

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Submitted by belle from Detroit MI USA
Date: Thu Aug 9 16:48:07 2001

wow this is hard. I like all of their videos, but I would have to say my 3 favorites are:
1 everybody
2 the call
3. Show me the meaning.

I like EVERYBODY becaue Iloove the guys as the monsters. I thought they all looked great. but my favroites were, Kevin as the mad doctor, brian as the werewolf, and the oh so hot Howie as the vampire, he was my favorite.

2. I like the call becasue the guys did some acting for us. My favorite scene was with nick an howie, and howie turned out to be the woman, wow I thought nick was going to crash that car. I also like kevin jumpiing threw the window and looking so mysterious and sexy.

3. show me the meaning becasue it touches my heart and it'c close to backstreets heart becasue of all the people they have lost.


Submitted by Chelsea from derry nh USA
Date: Tue Aug 7 20:37:24 2001

"Shape of my eart" & "I wan't it that way"!!!

Submitted by zoe from United Kingdom
Date: Mon Aug 6 08:39:34 2001

perfect videos from super bsb! i luv 'em all. i might say 'everybody'? dont know! they r adorable!!!!!!

Submitted by Alvin from Milledgeville Georgia USA
Date: Sun Aug 5 22:23:01 2001

The video that I really like is more than that cause I like when Nick say I will love you more than that and I will say the words and take them back but I also like I want it that way cause I like to sing with it. I like I'll never break your heart cause I like them on Spanis.

Submitted by Michelle from MS USA
Date: Fri Aug 3 06:42:11 2001

I personally think all the BSB videos are great . . . OF COURSE!! But I'd probably have to say that "Shape of My Heart" is my favorite. They all look so good and it's such a sweet song!! But for second place, I'd have to say "Quit Playin Games With My Heart". I ESPECIALLY love the end when they're dancing around in the water with their shirts unbuttoned/off. They looked sooo young then . . . esp. Nick! And I also love "More Than That" (and my mom loves it too LOL especially Kevin's part!) And "I Want It That Way" is awesome too. KTBPA y'all!! Luv ya, NICK!!

Submitted by Sarah from Las Vegas NV USA
Date: Thu Aug 2 21:41:34 2001

Hard to say....hmmm...probably Everybody..because it was so original, "Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely" because I loved that song and I don't know, something about the video was just really intriguing...and "Shape of My Heart"

Submitted by Becca from MI USA
Date: Thu Aug 2 09:13:16 2001

Well I would have to say EVERYBODY is my fave because i like the monster theme in it, nick still looks hott there lol but i also likeanywhere for u and the call because nick is really hott in those

Submitted by karina from df Mexico
Date: Tue Jul 31 11:06:03 2001

it's hard to decide but my favs are of course more than that 'cause nick looks so handsome, and anywhere for you 'cause they all look really good in that video, but i think aal the videos are great!

Submitted by berri from usa usa USA
Date: Tue Jul 31 04:47:07 2001

what don't make me choose my favorite bsb video ohhh god this is bloody murder i teel you haha. let's see show me the meaning of being lonely is my 1# favorite because i feel all of their pain and that's my whole life story told on screen. My 2# All i have to give whyyyy because they look soo tasty in that video noo all of the guys are really feeling tha song and dancing in that joint. 3# The call because i have to watch that video over and over to say noo that didn't just happen Howie turning into tha girlll, kevin jumping out of a windowww.wowww nice special effects but it's a good beat to get my boogie on to.

Submitted by Lígia Richardson from São Paulo São Paulo Brazil
Date: Sun Jul 29 21:24:09 2001

I love all the BSB videos. But my favorite are EVERYBODY and MORE THAN THAT. Kevin looks very good in these videos!!!!

Submitted by Kristy from USA
Date: Sat Jul 28 05:19:42 2001

The best video that they made would have to be either "Larger Than Life" or "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" those videos are totally cool and have really good use of tecnology.

Submitted by Rachelle from Victoria BC Canada
Date: Tue Jul 24 11:21:53 2001

My favourite video is Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely. It is also one of my favourite songs on the Millennium album. The Call and Larger Than Life are also great videos.

Submitted by Krystal Dorough from Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Date: Mon Jul 16 03:29:01 2001

well, the best bsb video is the call

(All caps detected. Message converted to lowercase)

Submitted by Megan Hodorowicz from Murfreesboro TN USA
Date: Sat Jul 14 22:30:39 2001

Hey, my fav video is The Call, how can anyone not love that video??!! It is great with all the acting and the storyline, and face it, no one has ever looked as damn good as Nick does in that video!!! Second fav would have to be SMTMOBL, that is a great song, I love that video, Brian looks very good in this one!! LOL, and KTBSPA!!!

Submitted by Miss H from Beverly Cali USA
Date: Thu Jul 12 21:03:09 2001

Nick was so fuckable!
The best dancing in this damned pop world!
I can tell ya what BP on Nick is LTL!

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