Black & Blue: What do you think about the new album title?
Submitted by Chan from usa
Well I think the title really fits..I think it demonstrates how they've been feeling the past few years when people wouldn't except them. But now they are recovering, so I think the title is great. As for the cover of the album. Well I think that the BSB could've been a lil more creative don't you think? Not to be mean or anything but I think that the cover is a lil too plain. Groups are supposed to have covers that show them, well at least I think so. But please don't e-mail saying "How can u say that!" because i'm just as big of a fan as u are, I just feel they couldve thought of a more creative album cover.
Submitted by Ambz from australia
Oh COME ON!!!! HELLLLOOOOOO?? not only do the words "Backstreet Boys" have THE significant impact.. but Rollings Stones... hellllllloooooooooooooo????
Submitted by THANK HEAVEN FOR KEVIN from usa
okay Guys! Me and Chasity ( thank heaven for kevin) are starting the biggest ONE DAY campaign for the backstreet boys!
Submitted by Ariel from usa
I think if anything the title represents their maturity. They've moved past, "Millennium," a typical name for a cd, and taken a chance on a different title. Brian quoted that they "were wearing black and against a blue background. It just made sense." The title shows that through their experiences they were able to formulate a title. What better origin of a cd title than a photo shoot. I think the title is very unique and will serve its purpose of being different than their competitors. They're maturing and "rollin' with the times." That's nothing but fantastic!
Submitted by manda from usa
Well, I think it's rather...silly. The title doesn't really grab anyone's attention, and I don't think it's gonna be as big as Millennium...but it's all good, right? IS the BSB after all, so...who knows? I'm usually wrong anyway...
Submitted by Elly from unitedkingdom
When I first heard it I just thought 'what the hell'?, but decided it was better than what I previously heard it was called (Jive). Now it's kinda grown on me, and it's also cool because all the fans can wear Black and Blue clothes the day it's released, and all show that we're BSB's fans!
Submitted by Chibi from usa
"Black and Blue" is sorta a weird title for a CD. Sure, to some of us, we see a meaning behind it of the hell they had to go through to get here today. Though, did they actually think it had a meaning when they thought of it as their CD title? No, not really. They went "ohh blak & blue" while at a photo shoot.
Submitted by ...::bSb frlEakeTt lE::... from usa
heYa peEpS oF bSb.neT!! hOw y'aLL dOinG?? tHa cOunTdOwn b-ginS...eVen tHouGh "bLaCk & bLue" waS fOrmeD baSeD oN a pHotO sHoOt, iT sTilL haS deEp meaNinG tOwaRdS iT. i truLy tHinK tHat iT refLeCtS oN tHa paSt eVeNtS tHat hapPeneD tO tHa guYs & aRe tHa batTLe sCarS...tO meE, iT aLsO meAnS beWaRe cUz "bLaCk & bLue" iS gOnNa kiCk sOme majOr buNS!!!
Submitted by Chrissy from usa
Submitted by Christina from canada
I agree with eRiN. A lot of little kids like nstink, but not many adults do. But BSB have fans from 5 years old to 85 years old. The little boy I babysit he's five and he LOVES the BAckstreet Boys. But you mention nsync and he flips out. It's so cute. Anyways, like I was saying, nstink is way to immature. I went to an nstink concert when I kinda liked them (I KNOW WHAT WAS I THINKING) and all I saw there were teenagers and little kids, and parents bored outta their minds with their kids. At the BSB concerts, I see, little kids, teens, parents, and even grandparents dancing around. Also BSB put on better shows. During the nstink concert, I spent like 85% of the time watching the people in the audience and walking around outside in the halls 'cause i was SO flippin' bored. I made the mistake of telling my friend how much they were starting to annoy me, and that I regreted coming, and alot of the fans around me gave me a dirty look, because I mentioned that BSB will always be #1. OOPS :) Oh well.
Submitted by eRiN from usa
Well..I think the title "Black And Blue" shows maturity..they have been through hell and "Black And Blue" shows their battle scars....not meaning to be a total b*tch but I think that's why people liek Nsync better then BSB...not because their music is better because its not..BSB are the best group I've heard yet. But BSB are mature..they've grown alot. Nsync are still immature boys. And considering the type of fans that BSB and NSync have..THAT is why people like Nsync better..anyways I'm getting carried away LoL ciao!
Submitted by Malin from sweden
what's up?! I just wanna say that the backstreet boys is da best and I can't wait to hear their whole new album! Shape of my heart is so damn gr8 and The call is sooooooo cool =) I just love those songs and the rest will be so gr8 too!!!!
Submitted by petra carter from netherlands
hey there, here i am again. well, this is not 'bout the album, but it's a cry for help!! i have mailed with this girl and we where trading pix, well, everything allright, but now those stupid d*mn computer of mine, wiped just everything i got away, it's all gone, even the mailprogram, and al mail addys and mails are gone!!! so, please, if you read this, i need your addy to send you the pix after all,i lost your addy with the mail and everything, and i lost your mail addy too, so please help me!!!if you mail me your addy soon, i wright it down and sent you the pix ASAP, i gona put this message on everything you can write on on this site, so you can't miss it!! please, react on this mail soon!!!!
Submitted by Celestia from australia
I think the title 'Black and Blue' is symbolic. They've overcome a lot of things, and bruises could be their battle scars. Hence 'Black and Blue'.
Submitted by Lydia from usa
Black and Blue is such a phat name for their ablum. It totally tells a story about not only the crap that they have had to deal with, but what they were wearing at the photo shoot. Besides, does it really matter what the title of the CD is? No, it doesn't. It matters what kind of songs they have. From the five songs I have heard already, I can't wait until their CD comes out. Everybody: Wear Black aand Blue when the CD comes out and buy it on the first day so we can beat N SUCKS freakin record of 3.4 million. We can do it. Spread the word to everyone you know about the CD. Lets make Backstreet number 1. Lets scare of freakin n suck so they can go back to their homosexual lives together. KTBSPA, BSB BACK, ALRIGHT!!!!
Submitted by BRIAN IS A SWEETY from usa
Hey! wuz up??? I think Black & Blue is a cool album title. I think it shows that eventhough they may be bruised after everything that they have been through they are still better than any other band out there and everyone should get that strait!!! Anyways... I'm sick and tired of that stupid competition between BSB and N sh**. I think that it's so stupid all the N sh** fans need to grow up and stay out of the way!! By the way on November 21st N sh** fans are going to be having to pack their bags because Backstreet is moving in!!!! And that is all I have to say!
Submitted by Andressa from brazil
Hello BSB fans!!!! I just wanna say that everything they do will be always the best for me!! BSB deserve all that happen in their lifes, cause they work so hard to keep us happy. The new album will be a success like the others 'cause they are always better than before.
Submitted by Amy from usa
The only reason nstink fans come here is because Backstreet Boys are a huge threat and they know it. So they come here to dis them because they know that we are goin' to win in the end. And they love to stir up trouble so don't respond to there really pathetic and low emails and we will show them. Plus i think there is enought room for both of them in the biss but when they do this we take action. That's all i have to say.
Submitted by BSBfanatic from usa
yo yo,,, whats up, whats up,
Submitted by Someone from usa
Gee, some people are really showing how mature they are by instead of keeping their cool about this, they are stooping to the same level Nsync fans are doing to this site. Grow up. Ignore what they are saying and get over it. As the saying goes-"Cry me a river, build me a bridge and get the f*ck over it." Anyway, out of the older, mature BSB fans, who did you all vote for? I voted for Bush!!!!!!!!:) And if Gore gets in, may the lord help us all. Then again, if you all didn't like the choice of presidents, we can always put the BSB into office. Now, wouldn't that be fun?
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