Send Your Best Wishes To AJ
Submitted by Jennifer from Ontario Canada
AJ, I am so proud of you for admitting that you needed help. I am also very proud of every member of the Backstreet Boys for being so straight forward with the fans. The fans will always support Backstreet Boys with all bumps in the road, as long as they continue to be honest about the happenings of the group.
Submitted by BAD_GIRL from Oman state USA
hi AJ. >:-)
Submitted by Celeste Keenan from Cobourg ON Canada
Hi Alex;
Submitted by anonymous from USA
Dear Alex,
Submitted by Leslie Barbour from Virginia USA
Hey AJ!
Submitted by meghan hedge from gainesville fl USA
i tried taping the thing on 20/20 with ajs mom tonight but some how my vcr screwed up and didnt tape it... there for im wondering if ne body taped it can somebody please make a copy of it... my address is...
Submitted by MaNoOoR from kuwait city Kuwait
Never look back we said how I was to know I miss you so
Submitted by Top Totty from Manchester United Kingdom
Hi AJ! How U doin babe "Keep your spirits up" Myself and a friend saw u in Hartford CT when u were playing at the Meadows, then at your hotel afterwards. Was too embarrased to speak to u though. U always live to regret something "as I do" for not speaking to u honey, so just go out there, be yourself but be careful!!!!
Submitted by Johana from La Laguna Tenerife EspaÃÂña
Nada mas enterarme de lo de AJ quise expresar como fuera mi apoyo en el y en el resto del grupo el cual en estos momentos ha de estar destrozado. Se que tiene que ser muy duro no solo para la familia los amigos y el resto del grupo, sino tambien para todas nosotras y nosotros los fans, que somos aquellos los que estamos siempre a la espera de noticias nuevas, discos nuevos, videos, etc... Solo queria con esto expresar no solo mi dolor, que no es el unico, sino expresar aquel que tienen todas esas fans de todo el mundo que no se pueden expresar. Solo decirle por ultimo a AJ, que se mejore, y que tiene a las mejores fans del mundo pendientes del y decirle al resto del grupo que tambien les apoyamos a ellos.BSB THE BEST GROUP IN THE WORLD
Submitted by melissa guilford from salisbury missouri USA
Hey, how are ya? im doin fine! im really glad you desided to get help! i pray for you all the time in "hopes" you will get better! i know you can do it ive seen you fight hard times. my sister and BELIEVE in you and know you can do it. we cant wait to see you the 27th of this mounth!!!! this will be our 3rd time!! we LOVE you very much! well thats all ill see ya the 27th!! bye babe!! LOVE, Melissa
Submitted by veronica from BARCELONA SPAIN Spain
what's up? A.J, I'm Veronica from Spain and I'm 16. I know that you can do it and you know it too. every album you've released I've bought it, I've been at all shows in Barcelona. Without you BackStreet Boys are not the same. they need you as we do. You are very young and strong. Take it easy and don't worry about anything. i want you to get better very soon. I hope to see you soon in a show, it would be better if a could know you. Now you know that there's someone else who loves you and all the group. so, don't give up and sing again all that songs I like. I love you and that's why I support you now. lots of love. veronica.
Submitted by Kimberly from Miami FL USA
AJ if you're reading this I want you to know that I wish you the best. We (the fans) all know you've been going through an extremely difficult time and we're so proud of you. You guys didn't hide what was happening and we respect you guys so much for telling us. You're so brave for doing what you're doing and who knows, you might be helping someone out there with their own problem as well. We can't wait for you guys to get back on the road! (Which will be on my birthday!) You've been doing great and we hope that you stay healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally. And don't forget we love you. God bless!
Submitted by Courtney GlenN from Booneville Arkansas USA
Hey A.J.!
Submitted by Bea from Louisville KY USA
Alex, I may be a fan but as a person, all I want for you, is for you to find happiness. As fans we pray for the person you are, not your media image. I hope you are doing well. I hope you use this experience and "Pay It Forward". Take care of yourself. The fans that care about the person you are have your back.
Submitted by Lexie from New York USA
Hey A.J.! I just want you to know that all of your fans are here for you! No matter what people say, we'll always love you! We think about you every day and you're always in our prayers! I know it's been tough lately, but you'll be fine! We can't wait for you to come back, but take all the time you need to get well! Once more, you're in our prayers! I Love You, and so do the millions of other fans that you've got around the world!
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