Black & Blue: How Would You Promote It?
Submitted by me from usa
please vote for bsb at!
Submitted by WIS from usa
Hey everyone I already saw "The Call" it's one of the best video's out there from BSB. Let me describe it all. It starts out in the girls apartment...then A.J is talking to her over the phone at some club...after he hangs up the phone there is some girl in the crowd and she whispers " I Gotta Little Place Nearby" in his ear...then they're both in the car making out...then all of the sudden she runs out..A.J get's out and runs after her then he finds out everyone is gone...scared he starts to run even faster...jumps over a car...then turns into Brian...Brian starts running and faces the Backstreet Boys singing in the street...looks up and rocks start to fall on him...then enters a supermarket running after that girl...through the door...then turns into Nick...Nick is driving to the hotel...the hotel is deserted so Nick get's scared runs to Howies room...Howie greets Nick...Nick washes his face with they get out of the room...Everything is back to normal...Nick is driving...Howie looks at Nick in an unusual way...Nick look at the rear-view mirror...instead of seeing Howie he see's a girl...So Howie/Girl jumps out of the car and Howie takes of his mask and reveals it was the girl instead of Howie the whole time...Nick tries to get control of the car...but crashes into a wall...Then Kevin steps out of the car chases the girl up the stairs...Jumps through a window into a room where the words "Liar" and "Cheater" are written in Graphitti...Then the girl stops...and the camera turns to Kevin who is facing the other girl from the beginning(the one who A.J was talking/lying on the phone with)then the camera turns around again and shows all of the Backstreet Boys and all the people who deserted the places they were in( THE END) Wow that was an intense video. Later!!!
Submitted by Monica from usa
Hey everyone! My site has loads of the most recent pics from the new "The Call" video, behind the scenes too! It also has loads of AMA pics from the other night. Not to mention BAck that ass up, dreams, that ladder, the nosescruntch.. and MUCH more! It is way original and I think you guys will it! KTBSPA and PLEASE SIGN THE GUESTBOOK FOR ME!!
Submitted by lisa morin from usa
Hey you guys it's me again I'm just here to inform you to go to to vote for the backstreet boys on the american music awards poll for best group hurry there up by one go vote now so they can win it's very important lets show the backstreet boys that the fans has'nt fogotten about them that we still love them so go vote vote vote now and kbpa.
Submitted by Stacy from usa
Ok, I'm saying this everywhere, but its really important and could change BSB's lives. Go to and vote for the shape of my heart over and over again! If they r number 1 2 more days, they will beat they bye, bye, bye record, and they will once again be on top on TRL. Every single vote counts, and BSB fans need as many as we can get. I'm doing a great share of voting, but I can only do so much.
Submitted by had from usa
Submitted by Virginia from usa
There is a second I dea instead of Bubbles during "Time" a few doen friends of Mine and I, Over ant the MFC or Mature Faclub. thought that Electric Candles would be a good and safe way to go. they cost about two bucks and come with several in a package. If you want to do this along with the adult members of the fanclub we would all be very pleased. I can imaggine Nick and the other guys' faces when,"Time', starts playing and the lights go on and the bubbles begin to go around in concert. It'll be Great!!!!!!!
Submitted by Jess from usa
Submitted by duh from canada
Liz~ the only reason we know so much about that stupid election is because it was one EVERY FRIGGEN CHANNEL. We can't help it if the stupid people in the states cant vote
Submitted by Nikki from canada
Right with ya Whateva!
Submitted by Whateva from canada
Not really, we canadians are just laughing at good old American retardedness.
Submitted by Liz from usa
lol and and the fact that Canada knows so much aboout America's election problem...just proves that THE U.S. IS DA BOMB DIGGITY!!!!or else other countries wouldn't know about it and wouldn't care about
Submitted by Nikki from canada
OMG what is wrong with u people????
Submitted by LovinFrick220 from usa
Hi! This is for all of the BSB fans that don't know about the "Letter to Jive." I'm gonna send a letter to Jive requesting some information about the album sales. I know this is old news, but I just started thinking about it and I have to know the truth. Go to the backbook and check out my postings to get more info on this operation.
Submitted by meeee from usa
§ hey girls! i found this message and i think it's a gr8 idea! check it out!! ->Attention all Backstreet Fans that are attending a Backstreet Black and Blue concert date in the year 2001!! We want the guys to know how special they are to us and that we've been there, and always will be there for them through and during the years!! So to show our appreciation, please bring a bottle of bubbles to blow during "Time." We've picked this song, because it is the most meaningful song to the guys and we want them to know that their fans will always be there for them until the end of time. We want this to take place at every show, but it won't work unless the backstreet fans spread the word! So tell everyone you know that is going to a show about the Backstreet bubbles! We want to make this song as special for the guys as possible. If you can, bring extra bubbles to your show to pass out for the people that didn't hear about it.
Submitted by splache from australia
i think the best way to promote Black & Blue is to tell everyone we know who likes this type of music and especially encourage those people to buy the previous albums by bsb so that they can get a taste of how different the boys sound as they get further and further into their careers.
Submitted by nobody from usa
kev did sing a part on millenium didnt he? the part in 'show me the meaning of being lonely' it was only a little bit but he did sing!
Submitted by Jennie Nordqvist from sweden
Submitted by Cecilia from italy
First of all, thy're the best and so they don't need any particular help, but most of all love and dedication. Anyway, if we wanna really help them we can talk about B&B, ask about B&B, listen to B&B and sing B&B evrywhere and with everyone!!!! But first of all we can join the BSB Official Online Street Team, they care a lot about it!!! Join it now if you're not a member yet!!!!
Submitted by Alabama and New York from usa
Slap a pile of cheese on the c.d put it into two slices of bread and sell it as a sandwich....then maybe it might make some money!!!!!
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